The Roller Coaster

Being a mom is the most ridiculous emotional roller coaster I’ve ever known (and I’m a Phillies fan!).

This girl is getting so old and so independent, and compared to Harry being so small, it’s easy to forget sometimes that she’s still a baby. My baby.⁣

There are moments when I lose my patience with her. And I hate myself for it. When Harry is crying but she won’t stop pulling on him. Or when he’s napping and and she keeps screaming and running by his room. Or any of the times I just want her to put her shoes on so we can go and she just… won’t.

But then I look at her and watch. As she stands near the toilet paper roll and carefully rips it, inch by inch, along the dotted line. Or when she wiggles with her whole body into her pants, and takes 10 minutes (literally) to do the buttons on her pajamas. Or when we tell her something so trivial, but her eyes pop out of her head with excitement anyway because to her, everything is amazing. ⁣

I love how independent she is becoming, but it’s also so nice to have these reminders that she is still such a tiny little girl.

And even though she doesn’t *need* my help to go potty, or get a glass of water, or get dressed, or brush her teeth, sometimes she still asks for it. And sometimes I don’t think I have enough time because Harry is in the other room alone, or dinner is cooking on the stove. But someday (soon), she won’t ask me for help anymore with those things.⁣

⁣Gentle reminder: It’s okay to lose your patience sometimes. It’s hard running after tiny humans all day, addressing their every single need. But it’s also important to really, really stop and look at them. And soak in every wiggle, and spilled glass of water, and missed button on the pajamas. And help them get off the potty and help them get the glass of water even when it feels like you’re already doing 37 things (you are). Because when they stop asking - you’ll do anything to have those moments back. ⁣

It’s a roller coaster, for sure. But I am here for the ups and downs. And it’s the best ride of my life.


How Will I Know When I’m Happy?


A Miscarriage, In Real Time.