

Mama, aunt, musician wife, and school counselor by day - essential oil loving, natural living advocate, vegetarian by day and night! I am also a sibling loss survivor. Navigating life without my big sister, one step at a time.

Writing has always been an outlet for me - a place I find comfort when nothing else will suffice. It's how I tend to process some of my deepest and biggest emotions. I wrote often after my sister first died, but it slowly tapered off, as I found myself not wanting to reenter that place and re-assess those feelings. After a recent miscarriage, I began to write again in order to find healing in another loss. In an effort to connect with those who have been through loss, miscarriage, or any other hurting - I have decided to publish my writings here. 

In my non-writing time, I have an amazing almost 2 year old daughter, a fabulous and handsome musician husband, and a hilarious and strong 11 year old niece, who is my sister's little girl and the spitting image of her mom. We have three cats, a new plant collection (so far, so good), and lots of recipes I keep meaning to try. We love natural living, and try to keep our home as toxin-free as possible. I also love to read, cook, and diffuse all the essential oils I can get my hands on. 

If you want to connect over ANY of the above topics, please reach out! You can find me at: 
​Follow my Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/nikkijean_s/
Connect on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/nikkijspecht